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  3. Celebrate National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend with Free Shipping on Cookies Feb. 22-23
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Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana invites cookie lovers to celebrate National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend, taking place February 22–23. This Saturday and Sunday, Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana is offering free shipping for online orders of nine or more packages. Cookie buyers anywhere can order their favorite Girl Scout Cookies online, and have the treats shipped directly to their door. Shoppers can buy online using the Girl Scout Cookie Finder at girlscoutcookies.org with nationwide delivery. Customers who would rather pick up the iconic flavor line up in-person can also find booths in their zip code using the Cookie Finder through March 30. Cookies can also be purchased to be donated to the US military. Each sale benefits local Girl Scout troops.

Throughout the cookie season, Girl Scouts learn entrepreneurial prowess, mastering a range of abilities including goal setting, decision-making, money management, people skills and business ethics as they embark on journeys toward the endless possibilities of the future. By gaining courage, confidence and character, girls are able to unbox a brighter tomorrow not only for themselves but also for their communities. 

Utilizing the funds they earn—100% of which stay local—Girl Scouts embark on life-changing adventures in STEM, entrepreneurship, the outdoors and beyond, all powered by Girl Scout programming. These funds also directly support what matters most, like summer camp, field trips, troop travel, community service projects, volunteer training, new programming and more.

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