In The Garden
By Ralph Purkhiser, Purdue University Master Gardener
In the Garden
Ralph Purkhiser, Purdue University Master Gardener
The first group of All America selections for 2025 have been announced. All America selections are plants that have been tested in many gardens across North America and have been found to be superior to other varieties on the market. Once a variety has been given the All America award, it continues to be an All America selection thereafter. A plant may be given national recognition, or it may be given a regional award if it is found to be noteworthy in a particular area. Indiana is a part of the Great Lakes region. All America selections are made in three categories: annuals, perennials and edibles. The edibles include vegetables, fruits and herbs.
In the edibles category, five vegetables have been awarded All America status for 2025 as national winners. There has been one selection for a regional award in the Great Lakes Region. That selection was an herb.
The regional award winner is Piedmont basil. This selection was made due to the superior resistance to downy mildew, a fungal disease that is prevalent in the Midwest. This basil was found to exhibit vigorous growth, producing abundant dark green leaves. The flavor is described as rich and robust. Piedmont basil was bred by Garden Genetics and Seeds by Design. Seed for this plant is expected to be available soon.
Purple vegetables are nothing new, but most of the purple vegetables lose their color when cooked. National All America selection Murasaki Fioretto cauliflower holds its purple hue when cooked. The flavor of this cauliflower is said to be mild and sweet. It may be cooked or eaten raw. The breeder of this purple cauliflower is Tokita Seed America.
Another purple vegetable making the list this year is Konstance kohlrabi. This purple kohlrabi lasts longer in the garden than other kohlrabis. The bulbs have a mild flavor, and the leaves of the plant are also edible in salads or cooked as greens. Bejo Seeds developed this All America winner.
From purple cole crops, we move to yellow peppers. Pick-N-Pop peppers were bred by Seminis Home Garden. They are snack-sized extra sweet peppers and the plant is described as vigorous. This is an indeterminate pepper, meaning that the plant will continue to produce fruit until a killing frost. The peppers also store well after they are picked.
Two squash varieties have garnered All America honors this year. Green Lightning is an early squash that is quick to mature. The squash has a small seed cavity, so there is plenty of tasty flesh for your favorite squash recipes. Joseph Stern is the breeder of this variety, which is offered through Pan American Seed.
Like Green Lightning, Thriller squash is as ornamental as it is a culinary delight. The fruits of this selection are lobed, with colorful skin of cream, green and bright orange. The plants are semi-bush type, so this is a great squash for container gardens or gardening in small spaces.
These varieties may be available in many seed catalogues, but you may not see the All America blue ribbon on them. Many of the catalogues went to press before the selections were announced. However, they will have that ribbon in future catalogues. Watch for them. Next week, we will take a look at some ornamental plants selected for 2025.
In the Garden
Ralph Purkhiser, Purdue University Master Gardener
It is seed-starting time. I do not just mean the winter sowing that was discussed in a column a few weeks ago. It is time to do some planting for your spring garden.
Of course, planting directly into the garden will not be possible for a while yet, but some crops will do fine in a protected environment. It is traditional to plant lettuce on Valentine’s Day. I usually plant lettuce in a cold frame. A cold frame is simply a box built around a planting bed and covered with a transparent material. Mine is covered with an old window, but I have seen cold frames made with plastic stretched over hoops of pvc pipe. These coverings protect the seed bed from cold weather and help warm the beds on sunny days. They also help hold in moisture. As temperatures increase over the next several weeks, you may need to raise the top on warm days to keep from burning the tender plants.
Another way to do some early planting is to use grow tunnels. These are essentially cold frames without the frame. The tunnels are made by stretching heavy plastic over frames, usually made of hoops of metal or pvc pipe. Tunnels may be only a few inches high, or may be high enough to walk into. The clear plastic allows for some protection from the cold and helps provide solar heat on sunny days. When we get past the spring last frost date, the tunnels may be removed and the crops will be able to grow normally.
A third option is actually a hybrid of these two methods, and one I will use. I have several existing raised beds in my garden. I will simply erect some sort of frame over the existing bed to support the plastic.
The first crops that may be planted are ones that like to crow in cool weather. Besides lettuce, you may plant radishes, turnips, kale, mustard, cabbage and other cole crops. Plant seeds at the depth recommended on the package and water the bed well before closing the top. You will need to monitor the beds to ensure they do not get too dry. Using this method, I usually have some small, tender greens for my salads by the middle of March.
It is also time to begin planting seeds to produce transplants for the summer garden. Some crops, such as onions and peppers, are slow to germinate, and need to be planted earlier than tomatoes, squash, cucumbers and other summer vegetables. Keeping the soil warm speeds germination. You may use an electric heating mat to produce the bottom heat needed. Another way to do this is to set the planting trays on the top of your refrigerator. During the germination stage, light is not necessary, so you do not need to worry that the trays get light until the young plants appear. Once they sprout, you will need to supply light by placing them in a greenhouse or in a sunny window, or by providing light from grow lights. Grow lights need to be only a few inches above the young plants, so you should have some way to raise the lights as the plants grow. Window-grown plants will naturally seek the sun and grow toward the window, so the trays will need to be turned frequently.
To raise healthy plants, start with good planting mix in clean planters. If you are using pots or trays that you have used in the past, wash them in soapy water and use a little bleach to kill any pathogens that may be there. Use a sterile, soilless potting mix. I prefer to use a planting medium that is listed as seed-starting mix. Plant the seeds as instructed on the package, water them well and monitor them frequently, and you will have plants ready for the garden by the time warm weather arrives.
In the Garden
Ralph Purkhiser, Purdue University Master Gardener
With the snow cover the last two weeks, food from natural sources has been more difficult for birds to find. That has brought them to my feeding station outside my picture window in large numbers. Filling the feeders has become a daily task.
I offer a variety of food in a variety of feeders in order to attract a variety of birds. I have to say I have been successful in this effort. I do not claim to be an expert, although I have access to a great ornithologist (bird doctor) who has taught me a lot about birds. However, over many years of feeding and watching birds outside my window, I have learned many things that I will share with you.
If I could offer only one type of bird food, it would be black oil sunflower seeds. Most of the bird species that frequent feeders will eat sunflower seeds. Hulled seeds are their preferred form, but they are rather expensive, so I do not buy them. A few years ago, the situation in Ukraine resulted in rising prices for the black-oil sunflower seeds, but I am happy to report that the prices are back down, and one may purchase a 40-pound bag of seed for less than seventeen dollars at some of the area farm stores. I put black-oil sunflower seed in a hopper feeder, in a few tube feeders, and, as I indicated last week, in the acrylic feeders that are attached to the outside of the picture window. Some birds eat the whole seed, while others hull them. Those hulls are the only drawback, but I just pick them up and add them to the mulch in some flower beds.
I also have a couple of feeders which I fill with a premium seed mixture. Some of the less-expensive mixes contain a lot of cracked corn and milo. While there are birds that will eat these, they are often just dropped on the ground as birds search for the more-desirable seeds in the mix.
I also offer suet cakes. This is the preferred food for woodpeckers and several other birds. I offer these in wire feeders, hanging them in areas that are not easily accessible to squirrels, raccoons and other animals. I have not noticed any great difference in the number or species of birds when I use the less-expensive brands. However, if you plan to continue offering suet cakes in the summer, you should switch to the dough cakes that will not become rancid in the heat. I also sometimes make my own suet cakes by rendering animal fat and mixing it with peanut butter, corn meal and some seeds. I sometimes pour it into pretty teacups and tie on ribbons to suspend them from tree branches.
Jays and some other birds are very fond of peanuts. While some birdwatchers do not like to attract jays, I have found them to be useful in driving off cats and other predators. By offering them peanuts, they tend to still allow the smaller birds to eat at the feeders, especially the feeders that are less-accessible to large birds. I use peanuts in the shell, but many birds will eat shelled and broken peanuts. I put peanuts on platform feeders, but I have to be careful to keep them away from the raccoons and squirrels.
I sometimes put out peanut butter for the birds, especially for woodpeckers. I put peanut butter in some small logs that I have found that have holes in them. I hang these in trees. I have also smeared pinecones with peanut butter and rolled them in birdseed and offered them on platform feeders.
Perhaps the most expensive bird food that I offer is dried mealworms. I do this because they are the best way to attract eastern bluebirds. I have also learned that one may purchase mealworms in the poultry section at farm stores for much lower prices than the ones in the wild bird feed sections. I put the mealworms in hanging platform feeders.
I sometimes just spread cracked corn and other seed on the ground. Doves and some other birds rarely eat from feeders, but they clean up the seed that other birds drop. Birds will also eat fruits and berries and will eat bread and other human food. However, bread does not offer much in the way of nutrition, so I do not recommend feeding it to the birds.
This is far from a complete bird-feeding primer, but it will be enough to get you started. Watching the birds has brought me countless hours of entertainment for a relatively low cost.
In the Garden
Ralph Purkhiser, Purdue University Master Gardener
The snow and bitter cold in recent days has driven me inside for most of my time. I still make it a point to visit the garden daily, if only for a few minutes. Often, my walks have been limited to the sidewalk connecting my driveway with my house. However, I can see a large part of the garden from that vantage point. Of course, most of the view has been that of a blanket of white. The quilt of snow seems to be stitched with the footprints of the wildlife that share my garden.
As I have often stated, my garden was designed as a place for wildlife. Even when the ground is covered with snow, taller grasses and flower stems offer seeds and shelter for birds and small mammals. Watching these creatures provides great enjoyment during long winter days. I am blessed to have a large picture window in my living room from which I can watch a large part of the garden from a warm, comfortable place. The Christmas tree has been removed from the window area, and in its place are some of my tropical and sub-tropical bonsai specimens and other potted plants to frame the space. A hanging pothos sends out vines to enhance the window valance. On each end of the window is a bird feeder attached with suction cups. These are filled with black oil sunflower seeds. In the area in front of the window are bird feeders of various types to accommodate the feeding habits of the birds who visit. A tall director’s chair gives me a comfortable perch for myself, and I have to force myself to relinquish that spot to get other work accomplished.
Feeding the birds is not something that I feel obliged to do, nor would I ever try to convince you that it is your duty to spend your hard-earned money to buy birdseed to offer to the wildlife. Sandhill Gardens provides enough food for many flocks of birds, even if I never put any additional food out. Even if you do not live in a garden designed for wildlife, feeding the birds is not necessary. In most areas, there are enough parks, gardens and wooded areas that provide the food the birds need. Bird feeding stations are really for the bird watcher. They serve to bring the birds close to the people who want to see them. I have heard some people lament that they have to find someone to fill the feeders when they go on vacations. This is certainly not necessary. The birds may leave the yard in search of food, but they usually return pretty quickly when the feeders are filled again when the resident returns.
At Sandhill Gardens, the birds usually ignore the feeders until the natural food sources are covered with snow. Only then, are they coaxed to come for the easy meals. They do then become accustomed to eating at the feeders, and will continue to do so as long as the feeders are filled. Since I spend more time out in the gardens during the warm months, I usually do not put food in the feeders to draw them to the window area after garden growth begins in the spring.
Besides food, birds need shelter and water. I recently acquired a heated birdbath that keeps the water from freezing. This certainly attracts a lot of birds. Again, this is something I do to be able to watch the birds. At Sandhill Gardens, there is a spring coming from the cave, and water is always available there. However, it is at the bottom of the cliff, and certainly not viewable from my house. Even in the winter, the water needs to be changed frequently to keep the water clean and safe for the birds.
Next week, we will discuss the types of food one may offer to the birds and the best types of shelter. If you provide these necessities, the birds will come. The really do bring me a lot of joy and entertainment.
In the Garden
Ralph Purkhiser, Purdue University Master Gardener
Winter sowing sites have taken over my computer! Many of the posts tout winter sowing as a new phenomenon is the gardening world. Nothing could be further from the truth. It takes only a few minutes of reading the posts to determine that this very helpful planting method is misunderstood by many.
Winter sowing is not the same as greenhouse or hotbed sowing. Both of those methods are intended to provide a modified environment by using some form of heat, thereby causing seeds to germinate earlier than they would if planted outside. After germination, a heated environment is necessary to keep the young plants alive.
Winter sowing is also not the same as starting plants in your house in a sunny window or under grow lights. These methods are also used to produce transplants for the garden earlier than one could by sowing the seeds directly in the garden in the spring.
Winter sowing will not produce transplants for early planting. Instead, it is meant to provide a more controlled environment and to isolate seedlings that would be sprouting when nature warms enough for germination.
In a natural setting, a plant produces seed at the end of a growing season. As the weather cools in fall and winter, those seeds drop to the ground or are carried by birds and other wildlife. Some of those seeds germinate in the cool weather of autumn, but many seeds lie on the soil until the following spring. The seeds of many plants actually require a cold period before they will germinate. Winter provides that cold period, and when the weather warms in the spring, the seeds germinate and the new plants grow. Of course, not every seed becomes a new plant. Some are eaten my wildlife. Some do not make good contact with the soil and may dry out too much to germinate. Some may be blown onto pavement or other inhospitable environments. Rains may wash away some seeds, and some may be trapped under huge piles of leaves. Winter sowing simply removes many of these variables.
The best candidates for winter sowing are the plants that naturally self-sow. If you purchase seeds for coneflowers, milkweed and other wildflowers, the packet may instruct you to chill the seeds in the refrigerator for several weeks. You may skip that step if you are winter sowing. This scarification will occur naturally, just as it does when the plants drop seeds in a meadow.
Most winter sowing instructions tell you to plant in clear or translucent plastic jugs, such as water jugs. You will need four inches of soil for the best results, so the jug should be cut to leave a container about six inches tall. Cut some drainage holes in the bottom. I find that a hot-glue gun with no glue stick is good for this. Fill the container with about four inches of moistened planting medium. I suggest using a sterile soilless mix, so you do not have to worry about weed seeds. Spread your seeds and cover them at the depth recommended on the packet. Use masking tape to tape the top of the jug back on. If you are doing more than one kind of seed, use a nursery marker to label the jugs. Regular markers may fade.
Place the jug in a sunny location outside. When it warms enough for germination, the tiny plants will grow. You may then need to open the jugs to add water. If the plants touch the top of the jug, you will need to transplant them to the garden or into individual containers.
While this method may be new to some, it is essentially the same as growing in a cold frame. It does not give you plants earlier than direct sowing, but it allows you to control the soil and moisture, and it isolates the plants from others that would be growing in the garden. It is a great way to get more of the plants you need to fill a pollinator garden.
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