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Nov. 22, 1963…We in this country, in this generation, are - by destiny rather than choice - the watchmen on the walls of world freedom. We ask, therefore, that we may be worthy of our power and responsibility, that we may exercise our strength with wisdom and restraint, and that we may achieve in our time and for all time the ancient vision of “peace on earth, good will toward men.” John F. Kennedy

 These words, never given after his death, are still alive. However, in the last 60 years our nation has failed to maintain the legacy that he intended.It has failed to continue with the merits he spoke of when he addressed the state of Texas before that open limousine ride. It has failed to keep the party system healthy and viable for all Americans. It has yet to fix a failing electoral system, a failing criminal justice system, a greedy financial system, and a myriad of untrustworthy information systems.  

 In the 60 years of history since his death, most of our decision makers have illustrated their ability to substitute weapons for moral policy making, their lack of respect for the honest people who place them in these positions with the party/voting systems they control, and worst of all their greed for power. JFK was taken from us early because our nation was not worthy then and it was demonstrated that it is not worthy now. Landing a man on the moon was not his only intention and all of us know it. 

 Let all of us review our common national history, the politicians we have elected, and the casual result of each and every electoral and policy decision made since. Let us understand the scandals in the light of human foibles and incompetent rationalizations. Let us see ourselves as only 5 percent of the global population that flaunts 60% of its military power and consumes as many resources…”that we may be worthy of our power and responsibility…” Certainly not a prayer that we have answered as a nation.

 The nations of the world see us as a failed democracy in much the same way they saw us as a failed democracy during the depression of 1930. They saw how capitalism and democracy would never be able to coexist because a greed for power and money would always subvert our best intentions. In the case of money we get depressed. In the case of power we get a failing government. Democrats and Republicans both may as well be single parties because both are two aspects of the same government. 

 It has been said that the beginning of the next world war will start with a conflagration in the Middle East. JFK knew, as much or more than anyone, that peace among nations is delicate and tenuous; and that it requires wisdom and restraint. These may be the two most important words in our history at this moment for the decision makers we have placed in charge of our government. We have only to look at the lack of corrective results from Vietnam or Iraq-2 to understand the beginnings of WW-3. 

 During Vietnam the people of the nation had no control over the destructive actions of the government any more than they have control over Joe Biden now. He seems to be able to do what he wants regarding Iran without a declaration of war from  the US Congress, which is even more dishonorable now than during Iraq-2…Iran and the world sees us as a failed democracy and why shouldn’t they?

 I entrusted the attached essay to the vagaries of the nation’s information systems. 

 Mark Ahearn, 

Carson City, NV.



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