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  3. 2025 High School Polar Plunge Raises Over $17,000
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SHS Arctic Lions dressed as Minions from "Despicable Me."

By Nathaniel Smith, Editor

The 2025 high school Polar Plunge commenced this morning, Friday, February 14 at 10:30 a.m., and it was a massive success! With a bone-chilling temperature of 26°F, the event sent 132 plungers from several different schools in our area deep into Deam Lake in Borden to raise funds for Special Olympics. In total, the participating schools raised more than $17,000 for the program. With fundraising like that, the Special Olympics will be able to continue thriving.

I spoke with Craig Tornquist who leads all of the school assemblies for Champions Together. Champions Together is the partnership between the Indiana High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) and Special Olympics.

“It’s a partnership, and it’s all about unified sports,” said Tornquist. “Unified sports are taking students with intellectual disabilities and students without intellectual disabilities and putting them together on the same team. So now, students with intellectual disabilities can compete for a high school state championship, and it’s the same as you’d win in traditional championships. It’s identical. It’s truly amazing, and we now have more than 300 high schools in Indiana doing something with Champions Together.”

Tornquist then went on to discuss the overwhelming support shown throughout the student population.

“These are the coolest high school students anywhere. The best thing about Special Olympics is that everyone is in it for the right reason. There is no one out here today for the wrong reason,” said Tornquist. “I am just really impressed by these young people, and they give me hope.”

Craig Tornquist was not the only one brimming with hope. Angela Phipps leads the Lions Unified group at Salem High School. I spoke with her and discussed the joy and compassion that the students bring to the table. Not only at the Polar Plunge, but at every Lions Unified event.

“Salem has been doing the Plunge since 2016, and I’m just really proud of the kids. They go above and beyond every year,” said Phipps.

Salem also happened to take home a trophy this morning. Due to their loud and proud attitude and enthusiasm, they were awarded with the Team Spirit Award!

Enjoy photos from the high school Polar Plunge below!

Polar Plunge HS 5

Polar Plunge HS 1Angela Phipps with Salem's Team Spirit Award.

Polar Plunge HS 2Craig Tornquist.

Polar Plunge HS 10

Polar Plunge HS 7

Polar Plunge HS 8

Polar Plunge HS 9

Polar Plunge HS 4

Polar Plunge HS 11

Polar Plunge HS 3Emergency Responders ensuring everyone's safety.

Photos by Nathaniel Smith.

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