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  4. Sheriff issues warning about text scams involving package pick up

The Washington County Sheriff's Department is alerting the public to a recent scam involving fraudulent text messages purportedly from the United States Postal Service (USPS). The USPS has issued a warning, and local law enforcement is joining efforts to ensure the community is informed and vigilant.

Key Points:

  • USPS Will Never Request Personal Information via Text: Beware of any text messages claiming to be from USPS requesting personal information. The USPS does not use text messages to obtain such details.
  • Exercise Caution with Unsolicited Messages: Be wary of unsolicited messages that allege issues with a package delivery. Scammers often use such tactics to deceive individuals.
  • Verify Communication: If you receive a message that seems suspicious, take the time to independently verify its authenticity by contacting USPS directly through official channels.
  • Authentic USPS Tracking Updates: USPS tracking updates will be from a 5-digit number. Be cautious if you receive tracking messages from unfamiliar or suspicious sources.

Reporting Suspected Scams:

To report a suspected scam related to USPS, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or forward suspicious messages to 7726.

Sheriff Brent Miller urges residents to stay informed, remain vigilant, and share this information with family and friends. “By working together, we can help protect our community from falling victim to scams.”


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