By Becky Killian, Staff Writer
Projects to install a new taxi lane and to extend utility service to the airport have been approved.
The approvals came during the February meeting of the Salem Municipal Airport Board of Aviation.
The board approved a bid from Temple & Temple for a taxi lane project. Temple & Temple was the low bidder of $174,254. Four bids were received and the highest was $379,500.
It was noted that the airport will be reimbursed for the project. The vote to award the work to Temple and Temple was unanimous among the board members present.
Temple and Temple was also the low bidder for a project to run water and sewer lines to the airport. The bid was $248,420.
The project had a total of three companies that bid for the work with the highest bid being $573,935. Federal funds are being used to pay for the project.
Airport officials hoped the Federal Aviation Administration would move up the release of promised funds for the completion of the runway to 5,000 feet. Paul Shaffer, of BF&S Civil Engineers, reported that the agency will instead stick with its plans to fund the $2.7 million project in 2026. Shaffer said the agency delivers its funding late in the year, so the runway work won’t begin until 2027.
In other business:
*The board approved a public comment policy that will require members of the public to sign in before the meeting. It also limits comments by each speaker to two minutes. The adoption of the policy by the three board members present prompted a public comment that the time limit is too stingy given that the board only meets monthly.
*It was announced that long-time board member Jason Cockerill resigned after accepting a position as commissioner of the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance. Cockerill couldn’t remain on the board since it would be considered a conflict of interest. Angela Mead was appointed to the board to replace him.
*The board has changed its meeting day and time. They meet on the third Monday of each month at the airport terminal. The public session begins at 4 p.m.