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  3. Events Approved, More Downtown Fun Coming


By Becky Killian, Staff Writer

Two popular events requiring street closures have been approved for 2025.

The approvals came during the Monday, Feb. 10, meeting of the Salem Board of Works and Public Safety (BOW).

The first event will be the Born Boutique Spring Open House on Saturday, April 19. Two parking spots in front of the store will be closed during the event.

Tri Kappa Beer on the Bricks will be held Friday, Sept. 20. Christie Luckett made the request, which received unanimous approval from the BOW.

Luckett noted that despite the rain that fell during the 2024 event, it was better attended since competing events were forced to cancel. The money raised by the nonprofit sorority’s event is returned to the community in various ways, such as the installation of dog waste stations in downtown Salem.

Mayor Justin Green announced that more events are being planned for the downtown area. He expects to have a list of those events soon, possibly for release during the Monday, April 14, meetings of the BOW and the Salem City Council.

Green also said the city has new street barricades that are easier to move and that will better facilitate pedestrian safety.


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