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  4. Unsung Heroes: Rick And Rita Lincks


By Madelyn Moore

Giving Back To The Community A Priority For The Lincks

Some heroes are loners, and some have a sidekick. Yet for Rick and Rita Lincks, they are simply a team. Together, they own a business and consistently give back to their community. Rita spoke about what they do and their ambition regarding the future as owners of Lincks Clothing & Shoes, located on the Salem Public Square.

“We give back to the community in many ways including online store fundraisers for teams, events and benefits,” Rita Lincks said. “We do five back to school Jump Start programs providing shoes, tees/hoodies that we are proud to be in our 16th year.”

To date they have fitted over 9,000 children with new shoes for back to school, and have helped families that have had house fires, health issues and losses.

“Owning our own business offers so many opportunities to give back to the community that we would not be able to do otherwise,” Lincks said.

The couple has also helped with the Christmas Assistance program over the years, as well as donated championship shirts to players/coaches after a Sectional, Regional and Semi-State championship. They also sold shirts and donated a portion back to each team.

“Giving back is very important to us,” Lincks said. “Growing up we did not have the best of everything. We did without many times.”

Lincks explained that following their annual sidewalk sale at Friday Night on the Square, they donate the remaining items to a non-profit so that the items may be used to raise funds for the organization.

“There were so many people that helped us along the way, whether bringing us food, buying us presents at Christmas, helping our parents pay bills, or just being there for us,” Lincks said. “Many times we didn't even know these people, but God led them to us and for that I am forever thankful.”

The Lincks have been married for 36 years. They have two sons: Ricky, who is married to Shekinah, and Jared, who is married to Courtney.

“We have five beautiful grandchildren: Noah, Nicholas, Jensen, Raegan and Rian,” Lincks said. “We strive to teach them the importance of giving back and they help us with so many things.”

Lincks explained that owning a business together is a lot like marriage, and you have to work together, be committed and ready for challenges and victories alike.

“Rick and I work very well together and we help each other with different aspects of running our business,” Lincks said. “We both have our strengths and weaknesses but compliment each other where needed.”

The Lincks have recently expanded their offerings to include more apparel, shoes, accessories, sporting goods, knives and guns. They plan to keep doing what they've been doing for the last 18 years and give back as much as they are able.

“Get involved,” Lincks encourages. “There are so many needs in our community. The newspaper, schools, churches and nonprofits are always a great place to start.”

She explained that they have always strived to have great merchandise at reasonable prices with excellent customer service since they opened their store. They are immensely thankful to God, their friends, family and community for supporting them.

“At the end of life we will strive to hear: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ Matthew 25:21,” Lincks said.


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