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  4. Days Gone By week of November 7, 2024 (100 years) 1924

Mrs. W.N. Short was elected recording secretary of the Indiana Federation of Clubs at their meeting in Indianapolis.


Dr. Wilmer Souder, Physicist of the National Bureau of Standards at Washington stopped off at Pekin for a visit with home folks as he was on his way to Dallas, Texas where he will address the general session of The American Dental Association.


Thomas Cauble has gone to work for the Ohio Valley Telephone Company.


Francis M. Horner and family now occupy their recently acquired Salem property on North Main Street the Bottoroff farm.


Mary Hayes Chamberlain, James Tucker, Edward Rhetts, George Graves, Winbourne Smith and Miss Jennie Wright attended the High School Press Association at Franklin.


Mrs. Frank Markley was in Indianapolis visiting her brother Mansford Spurgeon and wife, and also attending the banquet given by Great Counsel of Pocahontas Lodge. 


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