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Hurst Auction Service, LLC

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Hurst Auction Service, LLC is a family owned business for over 30 years, owned and operated by Sam Hurst and his wife, Janet. Sam graduated from auction school at Ivy Tech in 1983 and became licensed and bonded in Indiana. Sam is also licensed in Kentucky and Ohio. Sam opened an auction house for consignments selling every weekend for approximately 2 years, went on to expand the business to onsite auctions of real estate, farm equipment, industrial equipment, cattle and etc. Hurst Auction Service, LLC is dedicated and committed to their customers from beginning to end of their sales and have competitive rates.


Leader Publishing Company of Salem, Inc.
P.O. Box 506
117-119 East Walnut Street
Salem, Indiana. 47167

Phone:  812-883-3281 | Fax: 812-883-4446

Business Hours:
Mondays through Fridays, 9:00am - 5:00pm


