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By: Nathaniel Smith, Website Editor

On Friday, August 9th, the new turf field at the Salem High School was officially completed and dedicated to former coach and principal, Jim Ralston.

This highly anticipated project was made possible by the Wilson Education Service Center (WESC) along with Hellas. It was led by WESC Executive Director Brent Minton who attended Salem Community Schools as a student and football player, later taught as a teacher, and coached football as well alongside Jim Ralston.

“Salem [Community Schools] reached out to us last year around November saying, ‘we’re looking at turf fields, can you get us some quotes?’ So we reached out to our vendors, one of those being Hellas. Salem was really drawn to what Hellas could offer, and what they have accomplished with other fields,” said Minton.

At 6:30 p.m. on that Friday night, a large crowd gathered to view the brand new turf field at Salem High School, and to celebrate the man that it has been dedicated to. Community members, students, and former players all came out to show support for the field and for Jim Ralston.

The dedication began with words from former coworker and friend, Hank Weeden, and was followed by words from former player Jamie Richardson. Both had nothing but wonderful things to say about Ralston, but there was one common factor behind everything said that night: Ralston has made a massive impact in every single life he has touched. Through his kindness, sense of humor and smile, he has worked hard to make the community and world a better place.

Jim Ralston began his career at Salem High School on May 19, 1978 on his 26th birthday. Ralston received a phone call from the superintendent at the time offering him a job at the school as the football coach.

“My first game was such a memorable event. We fought through a 5-overtime game with West Washington, surviving a touchdown and a two-point conversion just to go to another overtime,” said Ralston. “By the way, we won, and the victory set the tone for the next season.”

Ralston went on to coach football at Salem for the next 19 years.

“A relationship between a coach and his players is special, and for me, cannot be forgotten. It was so much fun. The players dedicated their time with sweat and energy to do their best for our team. I want to thank all of them for their dedication, and for helping to make this day possible. I also want to thank our great fans. Many times at away games, our crowd would be larger than the home team,” said Ralston.

After looking out at the new turf field, Ralston said, “this field very much belongs to all of us. Past, present and future, who dedicate time and energy to the students of Salem Community Schools.”

Ralston then went on to provide the future benefits of the new turf field.

“No more outdoor troubles in soccer games, no more band contests called off because of a super wet field. No more mowing, watering or lining the field. This is a field to be proud of, and one that will serve our community for many years.”

He concluded by reciting a motto that he has said to his students and players for many years.

“Over the 19 years of my coaching career, I constantly repeated to my players: ‘work hard, do things correctly, and good things will happen to you.’ I offer you this motto, and I wish you the best of luck in this season,” said Ralston. “Again, thank you so much for this honor, and no matter where I live, I will always be a Salem Lion.”

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