Celebrating 800 articles

In the Garden
Ralph Purkhiser, Purdue University Master Gardener

     This is column number 800.  I am amazed and honored that after all of these years of writing this column, people still encourage me to continue.  This column started as a way for me to combine my talents and interests in gardening and writing, and to complete the volunteer hours needed for my Master Gardener certification.  Since it takes about three hours each week for me to research, write and distribute the column, I have now accumulated 2,400 volunteer hours from the column.  
     Many things have changed over the years.  I initially offered the column to newspapers In Orange and Lawrence counties.  It has spread around other parts of southern Indiana, usually due to moves by faithful readers who requested the column be run in their local papers.  Of course, during this time, many newspapers have ceased publication or have merged to form new publications.  When I started writing this column, on-line publications were not yet common, but the column appears in some on-line news publications now.
     Many have asked if I am paid for this column.  I am not, since I do it as a volunteer.  However, over the years, I have received some gifts from readers.  Most of the gifts were craft projects for the garden completed by people who were inspired by the column.  I have proudly displayed many such birdhouses, bird feeders and works of garden art at Sandhill Gardens.  Just last week, I was informed that a reader is playing Santa, and is supplying the new bench for the rose garden requested in my letter to Santa.  I am humbled and honored by the generosity of my gardening friends and readers.
     From the beginning, I insisted that this would not be a garden question and answer column.  I often get calls and letters asking gardening questions, and I try to find the answers, often writing about them I the column.  However, the column has been much more than that.  I have often described the column as my garden diary.  Within the 800 issues, you will find many tales about my activities at Sandhill Gardens.  You will also find descriptions of gardens I have visited throughout the United States, as well as gardening-inspired tours in Europe.  I hope to continue making visits to great gardens, and would love to have readers join me in touring some public gardens in Indiana and neighboring states.
     I have judged many 4-H fairs, including several state fairs, and have acted as a judge at flower shows.  I love visiting flower shows and have a bucket list of shows I hope to visit.  When I do so, rest assured that you will read about the experience in this column.  
     My travels, work and educational experiences have resulted in an accumulation of friends who are experts in many fields.  I like to feed the birds and watch the butterflies, but am neither an entomologist nor an ornithologist.  I do know that an answer to almost any question is only an email or a phone call away.  
     I often have invited readers to join me and enjoy a sunset over the cliff at Sandhill Gardens.  Sometimes, people ask if I really mean that.  The answer is a resounding “Yes!”  There is nothing I like more than sharing this garden with others, be it an old friend or someone I have just met.  I always warn visitors that I do not have a staff to care for the garden, so it is far from perfect, but my family has grown vegetables, field crops and flowers on this plot of land for nearly a century, and I have tried to include things to make it interesting in all seasons.
      To be quite honest, I have thought about discontinuing the column.  I have written about everything that I could find related to gardening and I wonder if I have anything else worth sharing.  I have been reminded that new gardeners are born every day, and it is acceptable to repeat some lessons.  I just hope I have helped my readers to become better gardeners, and thereby, have enriched their lives.  Thanks for reading.



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