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  3. Bids, Ongoing Tax Abatements Approved

By Becky Killian, Staff Writer

Officials approved two bids for wastewater projects as well as several ongoing tax abatements.

The approvals came during the Monday, Feb. 10, meetings of the Salem Board of Works and Public Safety (BOW) and the Salem Common Council.

Two bids were received for lift stations. After a review by Wessler Engineering, the city’s consulting firm, the low bidder of Temple & Temple was recommended. The company’s bid was $2.8 million. The second bid was $3.3 million.

Also approved was a collection system bid from Culey Contracting for $1.2 million. The other bid came in at $1.7 million.

Other business discussed included:

*Councilman Dylan Moore said that the city received 13 automated external defibrillators for use in all the city’s police and fire vehicles. The Council approved the purchase in January.

*Two residents thanked council members Randy Lee Jr. and Roger Pennington for clearing the cluttered property at 301 Salem Avenue. Afterward, the city’s attorney, Jake Vissing, cautioned against further clean ups, saying that it exposes the city to liability. The city has pursued the property’s cleanup for years, but the legal process was further complicated by the death of the property’s owner. It is unclear who owns the property now since no probate was filed by survivors. Vissing said he understands the enforcement actions take time, but the city needs to protect itself.

*Ongoing property and real estate tax abatements were approved for Salem Hotel Group, Silverstone Properties, Lyons Gas Station, Peerless Gear, GKN Sinter Metals, and John Jones.


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