Bradie Shrum Golden Paws, March 9

Kindergarten Golden Paws, back row: Nevaeh Graves, Gavin Wilson, Rylan Wynn, Heidi McCaslin; front row: Cali Bohlen, Kaytie Sizemore, Kiara Blanton

First grade Golden Paws: Logan Richardson, Natalie Gregerson, Kayne Smith, Wil Sears, Miriam Beck

Second grade Golden Paws, back: Lennon Godfrey, Quintin McKinley, Lyric Kay, Sarah Landreth; front: Jaylee Caldwell, Jaysen Cobb, Maci Muchler


Third grade Golden Paws, back: Braxton Green, Kevian Hamilton, Draike Cutrell; front: Addison Howerton, Zoey Dewey, Allyson Hankins,

Fourth grade Golden Paws, back row: Gavin Hunt, Aiden Taylor, Kaila Mattingly; front: Corbin Karnes, Alexis Maudlin, Jaden Davisson

Fifth grade Golden Paws: Nick Ingram, Gus Hanjorgiris, Johnathon Robbins, Moxy McKillip


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