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  3. Early Exits: 1 in 4 Indiana Remote Employees Work 'Unofficial' 4 Day Weeks, Finds Survey


By Bisnar Chase

Working from home comes with undeniable perks - no grueling commutes, better work-life balance, and even cost savings. However, for some employees, the flexibility of remote work has also led to strategic early exits. Many wrap up their workday ahead of schedule, log off early on Fridays, or send a few well-timed emails to create the illusion of being present—all without officially reducing their hours.

It’s perhaps this growing trend that prompted President Trump to sign an executive order mandating all federal employees return to in-person work full-time. But just how widespread is the phenomenon of remote workers quietly shaving hours off their week?

A Four-Day Workweek in Disguise

A recent survey by Bisnar Chase of 3,010 remote employees found that, on average, 26% admit they effectively work a four-day week. This happens through various means - starting later, finishing earlier, taking longer-than-allowed lunch breaks, or signing off completely before Friday wraps up.

When broken down across the country the study found that over a quarter (28%) remote workers in Indiana are cutting their work week short. 

Some states, however, are more guilty of this trend than others. Connecticut workers lead the way, with nearly half (47%) admitting to working four-day weeks despite being paid for five. On the other end of the spectrum, Alaska has the most diligent workforce, with only 9% admitting to cutting their workweeks short.

Infographic showing study results

Sneaky Strategies: How Remote Workers Keep Up the Illusion

While some employees simply log off early, others have developed more creative ways to keep up appearances. Nearly one in four remote workers (23%) admitted to working from a vacation destination without telling their employer. And when it comes to taking work calls, a singificant 47% confessed to doing so from the driver’s seat of their car - making it the most common unconventional location. Meanwhile, 21% have answered calls poolside or on the beach, while 15% have done so from a hotel or Airbnb in another city.

To maintain the illusion of productivity, 13% of employees use a mouse jiggler or other tricks to stay "active" on Slack or Teams. But for many, a simple status update does the trick. The most popular tactic? More than half (56%) opt for the classic “On a call” excuse - even when they’re not. Another 26% mark themselves as “Away for a quick lunch,” only to disappear for hours, while 18% set their status to “In deep focus mode” to avoid interruptions.

Distractions are another major factor affecting remote work productivity. The most common way employees stray from their tasks is by doing chores or running errands (38%), while 28% admit to playing video games during work hours. Others spend their time binge-watching TV (22%) or sneaking in a gym session or long walk (12%).

And when Friday rolls around? 42% of employees strategically send a few well-timed emails to create the appearance of working, while 33% schedule calendar events as a cover for their early departure. Another 26% simply stay “active” on Slack or Teams without actually doing much.

Perhaps the boldest move of all - 17% of remote employees admit to having worked two full-time remote jobs simultaneously.

The Remote Work Debate Continues

While some remote employees are thriving with flexible schedules, others are finding ways to game the system. With an increasing number of companies calling employees back to the office, the future of remote work - and the hidden habits it enables, remains uncertain. For now, though, it seems like many workers are making the most of their time away from the office.

"While it’s true that some remote employees are wrapping up their weeks a little early, the reality is that work isn’t as rigid as it once was”, say Brian Chase of Bisnar Chase. “Many employees respond to messages after hours, contribute to group chats in the evening, and even tackle tasks while on vacation. The traditional 9-to-5 model doesn’t always apply in a digital world where work and life are more intertwined than ever. In many ways, the flexibility of remote work allows employees to be more productive on their own terms - so while they may take a longer lunch or finish early on a Friday, they’re often making up that time elsewhere."


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