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  4. Holocaust Hypocrisy: Why Americans Hate Politicians


Americans do not mind a “left” or a “right” viewpoint. What they object to are the elites who carry on as if they know more, have better qualifications, or have more vision for the future of the nation than the average constituent. One major difference between a politician in power today and the average American is in their sense of timing. The average head of household can see the beginnings of a crisis. 

 The average American actually acts to head a crisis off at the pass. A politician will wait until an event becomes a crisis. Joe Biden is typical. Eight months and 35,000 lives later Joe finally gives the speech he believes necessary to justify the slaughter. He is like most politicians in that he waits for events to develop before he offers a moral perspective on the solutions necessary. By that time the proper analysis has become superfluous and a murderous war now requires an escalation of power or rhetoric. 

 Tell us how you really feel Joe, just do it a little bit sooner? So mad at Hamas for months, huh?

 When millions of innocent civilians were not provided any means of escape and our bombs started dropping, the average American would have decried the slaughter and halted arms shipments immediately. The average American would have sent a full team of social, political, and military experts to the region the day after the October attack…not just because they are an “ally”, but because they have the same military capability from our supply that the Nazis had prior to WW2. 

 The average American would have performed a better analysis and exhibited more common sense. 

 All of us hate politicians because they make the entire nation look bad. We hate them because they demonstrate the duplicity of policy between our social welfare and our economic welfare. We hate them because they see history repeating itself, and doing so because our power elites actually want it that way. We hate them because politicians also like to rewrite our history without leading all of us to define it for ourselves. We hate politicians because of the hypocrisy between the sources of their income and ours, the lack of vision and ours, and the self-serving nature of their alliances. 

 We hate politicians because they cast the Holocaust in terms of a slaughter of Jews instead of an atrocity against innocents. They use anti-semitsm as a reason to always remember the Holocaust instead of educating the world regarding the primary evil in the hearts of many cultures, that of genocide. They wait on the improper use of our weapons to decide that the Jewish people have a right to do with them. They finally declare (from the State Department) that arms violations might have happened, but still excuse them by stating that “things get confusing in wartime.”

 Politicians like to see how events unfold before they actually do anything to make a difference. For eight months Joe Biden sat in the Oval Office day after day. Even after the missile attack on the food convoy he remained silent. His lack of action was no different than Donald Trump’s silence during the January 7th capital riots. 

 Give any honest American just one day in the Oval Office for every day a president failed to act as a moral leader and (s)he would be able to serve 3 terms with days left over to hand to another citizen. 

 Mark Ahearn, may 13, 2024

Carson City, NV. 89706



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