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  3. 2024 Fair Open Class Rules
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Washington County Fair Open Class exhibits are “Open to the World!” Exhibitors do not have to be Washington County residents.

All categories will have three (3) age groups: Children 11 years and under, Youth 12-18 years and Adult 19 years and over.

Open class entries for the exhibit hall shall be made at the north end of the exhibit hall on Saturday, June 15 from 8:30 a.m.- noon for Art, Canning, Family Stitchery & Crafts, Photography, Scrapbooking and Community Service Groups. Monday, June 17 from 8:30 a.m.- noon, entries for Baking, Farm Products, Floriculture, Garden Products, and Gourds will be accepted. No early or late entries will be accepted. All exhibits must remain in the exhibit hall until 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 23 and must be removed by 2:00 p.m. that day. Premiums are paid at that time.

All articles competing for premiums must possess more than ordinary merit, otherwise no premiums will be awarded.

Unless there are two or more exhibitors in each open class exhibit, it shall be considered that a fist place ribbon will be given and second place money will be paid, unless the exhibit is declared “Best of Show.” In that case, first place money will be paid. The same person cannot be competing with him/herself and receive first, second, etc. premium monies, but will receive only the highest premium.

Any item that fits in a listed class may not show in “Other.”

Situations not covered by the mentioned rules will be at the discretion of the superintendents and their committees. All judges decisions are final.

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