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  4. Tax Warrants

If you have questions concerning your taxes or disagree with the amount owed, contact the Indiana Department of Revenue at 317-232-2165.

There are several payment options (NO PERSONAL and/or BUSINESS CHECKS)

You may pay by credit/debit card at www.paygov.us. To log in, select State of Indiana.  The jurisdiction entry is Washington County and the transaction should be entered as Clerk of Court.   Select make payment. You will be taken to the next page in which the Case number/Invoice number will be the Tax Warrant identification number located on the letter you received.  Complete the remainder of your personal information. Once submitted you will be able to print a receipt.
You may come to our office and pay by credit or debit card or in cash.

If you wish to make payment arrangements, contact the Sheriff's Office at 812-883-5999, extension 2239.
NOTE:  If you are making a partial payment, you must pay a MINIMUM of $30.00 to cover the service fee.


Leader Publishing Company of Salem, Inc.
P.O. Box 506
117-119 East Walnut Street
Salem, Indiana. 47167

Phone:  812-883-3281 | Fax: 812-883-4446

Business Hours:
Mondays through Fridays, 9:00am - 5:00pm


