By Flora Wade, SHS Student Writer
Fellowship of Christian Athletes is officially back at Salem Middle School. Business Tech teacher Jennifer Morris led the first meeting last Wednesday at SMS. She originally started the club at Salem High School years ago as a teacher and wanted to bring it back upon her return.
In 2016, Morris handed over FCA to Gwinn Miller when she left to begin a teaching career at Scottsburg. While there, Morris was involved in FCA and guided many students. Since returning to Salem as a teacher this school year, she wants to bring back the club.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes is ¨an interdenominational Christian sports ministry to see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes¨ according to the FCA official site.
¨One thing that is challenging is that in school, Christians sometimes feel alone and the minority; FCA allows students from all faith backgrounds and experiences to fellowship together,¨ said Morris.
¨We welcome any student at SMS, regardless if they are an athlete or not, and/or if they attend a church or not. I am going under the FCA umbrella because I am most familiar with this as a Christian club that is offered in schools, and they have amazing support and resources available to leaders. FCA is also not affiliated with any certain denomination of religion. The focus is on giving students a way to fellowship in a safe space where they can hear a positive message that can strengthen their faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ.”
In the middle school meetings, they will have an icebreaker/game, a speaker and an activity.
¨For example, for our first meeting, it coincided with World Kindness Day, so we ended it by everyone creating post-it note cards with words of kindness to give to someone that day,” said Morris.
“We will be looking for service opportunities for our club as well, to participate in as we get going. We will be looking to get students involved in leadership. As the club matures, and our leadership takes shape, I hope to have our leadership take more of an active role such as leading prayer, doing announcements, running games, and leading the messages.¨
Miller said they are hoping to bring the two groups together some this school year.
¨I am hoping we can work together with the middle school and do some activities together,” she said. “I think there are some high school kids that would love to work with the middle school group.”
There are many opportunities that FCA has to offer such as retreats and leadership camps.
¨I actually got saved at an FCA Retreat when I was a freshman,” said Morris. “I had been to church all my life, but at an FCA retreat is where it clicked, it was about a relationship, and not just going to church for religion and what my parents made me do. I also helped serve at some FCA retreats out of college as a leader and it was an awesome experience.¨
The club meetings will be on the second Wednesday of every month at 7:30 a.m.
¨The goal is to provide a positive outlet for them to come together, and hopefully leave strengthened and encouraged in being a brighter light for Christ in their schools and communities," said Morris.