BSE receives Duke Energy summer reading grant

The summer months are a time when all students run the risk of losing some of the learning and skills they have acquired throughout the school year. This learning slide needs to be addressed at an early age. Studies have shown students are at a greater risk of falling behind by up to three grade levels by the fifth grade.

Bradie Shrum Elementary and Salem Community Schools are proud to be working with Duke Energy again this summer to help students avoid the summer reading loss through our summer school program. BSE is pleased to announce they are a recipient of a Duke Energy summer reading grant for $18,560.64. This grant will allow BSE to provide additional learning opportunities for students entering grades 1-3 in the fall of 2018. Through this grant, students will receive more individualized instruction and attention under the direction of a teacher and a teacher’s assistant for four weeks. At the end of the program, students will receive a book bag full of books to take home to read throughout the rest of the summer.

BSE is happy to have this partnership with Duke Energy to help eliminate the learning loss students may occur over the summer. They would like to thank Duke Energy for this opportunity through this grant.

“Duke Energy remains committed to supporting effective educational programs such as this reading program,” said Bruce Calloway, government and community relations manager for Duke Energy. “We are pleased to partner with Bradie Shrum Elementary and Salem Community Schools to contribute to the success of their students.”


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