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  4. Carters Creek Christian Church news 8/11/2024

Church News

Mark McCammon served as Superintendent. Thelma McDonald played piano.

The annual church revival will be hosted on Sunday, Aug. 25th through Wednesday, Aug. 28th at 7:00pm each evening with Kerry Allen, Louisville Bible College President, as Evangelist. Dan and Kris Owsley will lead music Sunday evening with Mark Vice leading music Monday through Wednesday. Gina Humphrey will be pianist. Wednesday evening services will be followed with snacks in the fellowship hall.

The Limestone Christian Crusaders will meet at Wonder Valley Christian Camp on Tuesday, Aug. 27th. Meal will be at 6:30pm; meeting at 7:30pm with Greg Mathews, minister at Westview Christian Church.

Prayer was requested for Sue Denton, Lori Sorg, Kay Smith, Joe and Brenda Brewer, Luke Slaughter, Grant Oldham, Ralph Ikerd, Don Mahan, Harold White, Angie Basinger, Tim Chastain, and Lois Krisinski. 

Elder Steve Brown led the communion meditation from 1 Peter 3:18. Communion was served by Richard Keller and Aiden Keller assisted by Eugene Denton and Jeremy Smith.

Brother Phil McDonald's sermon was entitled "The Prodigal Son" from Luke 15:11-32.

Jeremy and Liz Smith joined Team Grant Strong in the 5k Race to Cure Sarcoma in Louisville Saturday morning. Other family members participating were Hadleigh Smith, Bryce McCullough, Joe, Beth, and Weston Smith, Madison and Hutton Herran, Sidney Smith, Anita Oldham, Nate, Kayla, and Jack Hammit, and Jarret, Anna, and Jo Oldham. Team Grant Strong raised the 2nd highest amount out of 50 teams. 

Andrew Hawkins celebrated a birthday Aug. 11th.



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