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  4. Carters Creek Christian Church news 8/04/2024

Church News

Steve Hawkins served as Superintendent. Susan Hawkins played piano.

The annual church revival will be hosted Aug. 25-27.

Prayer was requested for Sue Denton, Lori Sorg, Joe and Brenda Brewer, Luke Slaughter, Grant Oldham, Ralph Ikerd, Don and Nancy Mahan, Joe and Brenda Brewer, Sherry Deirth, Ty Wagoner's mother, those traveling, our upcoming church revival, and schools, teachers, bus drivers, and students. 

Elder Steve Brown led the communion meditation from Matthew 26:26-29. Communion was served by Mark McCammon and Barry Bishop assisted by Ronnie Lawson and Aiden Keller.

Brother Josh McDonald delivered the sermon entitled "Persistent Widow and the Unjust Judge" from Luke 18:1-8. Key points were: Keep praying. Focus on the task that God asks us to do. God vindicates our causes. Remain faithful and be patient. Be persistent in our faith and don't lose heart.

Levi Ferguson visited with his grandparents, Steve and Kay Brown, for the week. His parents, Brian and Angela, and brother, Shiloh also visited over the summer. 

59 Smith family members attended Smith Camp this past weekend at the John and Kay Smith Family Farm. The Olympic theme was carried throughout the weekend with t-shirts, the lighting of the torch, and games and competitions. Family members traveled from several towns and cities in Indiana as well as out of state from Kentucky, Tennessee, Michigan, and Florida. 

Rachel Boshears celebrates a birthday Aug. 7th.


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